We Deliver Truth... Where Written Words Can’t Go

Because God loves oral learners too.

Spoken Worldwide exists to fulfill the Great Commission.

(Matthew 28:18-20)

We believe everyone deserves to hear the transformative power of Christ’s message of hope and love.

People Reached With Truth
Languages Reached
Local Leaders Trained

Our philosophy of ministry is based on four pillars:

Focus on
Oral Learners

2/3 of the world’s population can’t, don’t, or won’t read. We believe the most strategic way to reach the world for Christ is to focus on this majority.

Local Leaders

We believe faithful, indigenous people are the most effective at ministering within their respective communities (catalytic role).


We honor unique oral traditions by providing Scripture in the heart language of the communities we serve.


God’s Word is meant for engagement. We believe the Great Commission is every Christian’s calling, so it is our goal is to see oral Bible content used by local believers to transform lives and make disciples who make disciples.

Bring light to unreached oral communities around the world.

Lives can change with something as simple as a spoken word. But we can’t deliver Truth without you. Will you join us in the effort to make disciples of all nations?

Impact Stories