“I’m grateful for these devices because now we don’t depend on hearing the word of God on Sunday only. For us who have not gone to school, it is good because the stories can teach us about what we must do in life now that we know God."
Small Discussion Group Attendee
"The Spoken MP3 player has given me a new profound way of preaching the Gospel to the oral community. The stories are an easy way to help them hear and remember the Bible IN THEIR OWN language since we don’t have the Samburu Bible yet. Those who don’t read now have access to hear the word of God through the device. This has led them to became believers and trust in the Lord, even with having never read a Bible themselves. These devices have been like a walking Bible."
Pastor Daudi
"I thank God for the one who got this vision. Just continue adding stories. We are good at listening to stories. This will save people."
Small Discussion Group Attendee