Technology is not ​what​ we do.
But it is a valuable tool in ​how ​we work.

Using Technology as a Tool, our Pastor Development and Oral Bible Translation Programs utilize technology in most projects. Once Biblical content and community development information is produced, audio content is always recorded – this ensures future accuracy and provides a record of our work. If available and appropriate, more portable technology will be used to store recorded content for use within the Small Discussion Groups or church gatherings.

Over the years, the technology used as a tool used by Spoken has evolved. Today, the MegaVoice MP3 player and MicroSD cards are the primary tools our leaders use for sharing recordings.

MegaVoice MP3 Player

  • Cost-effective​
  • Solar-powered​
  • Dedicated Technology
  • Holds up to 800 hours of audio content
  • Allow groups of 10+ to listen together​
  • Ensures consistent content that remains true to the Word of God​
  • Shareable with surrounding people groups​
  • Allows villagers to hear stories repeatedly, enabling them to memorize and internalize the message
MP3 player for the 2 thirds

Many remote areas where unreached people groups live do not have running water – much less access to clean water – yet technology seems to have overcome community development barriers as cell phones are quite accessible. This can vary community by community, but when cell phones are accessible, MicroSD cards provide a great option for sharing recorded content.  One more way we use technology as a tool.

MicroSD Card

  • Extremely cost-effective​
  • Powered by existing cell phones
  • Holds up to 1600 hours of audio content
  • Allow groups of 3-5 to listen together​
  • Ensures consistent content that remains true to the Word of God​
  • Shareable with surrounding people groups​
  • Allows villagers to hear stories repeatedly, enabling them to memorize and internalize the message
Storage used to enhance oral learner experience

Local leaders are the stewards of this technology, opting to utilize it in small groups, share it with someone not physically able to go to church, or pass it to a neighboring oral community. We never want technology to be the focus – Truth is what we are sharing – yet it aids our ability to share content and create engagement, both faster and further than we could with individual leaders alone.

Technology as a Tool

Impact Stories

“I’m grateful for these devices because now we don’t depend on hearing the word of God on Sunday only. For us who have not gone to school, it is good because the stories can teach us about what we must do in life now that we know God."
Small Discussion Group Attendee
"The Spoken MP3 player has given me a new profound way of preaching the Gospel to the oral community. The stories are an easy way to help them hear and remember the Bible IN THEIR OWN language since we don’t have the Samburu Bible yet. Those who don’t read now have access to hear the word of God through the device. This has led them to became believers and trust in the Lord, even with having never read a Bible themselves. These devices have been like a walking Bible."
Pastor Daudi
"I thank God for the one who got this vision. Just continue adding stories. We are good at listening to stories. This will save people."
Small Discussion Group Attendee
"I am grateful to God for the stories I have heard on the Spoken device. In the story of the snake and Eve, I came to learn that it is Satan who misleads people. We need to be careful to obey God’s instructions so that we don’t get deceived by the devil. I believe Jesus lives in me now, and I am grateful to God who has taught us many things through these devices."
Susan Lelegwe
"Fatima, a believer from North Africa, has never had any academic education. She can read some in her national language, classical Arabic, and usually listens to the radio broadcasted in this same language. When she was introduced to the audio Bible story of Joseph in her heart language, a North African dialect of Arabic, she was thrilled and said, “Now I don’t need anyone to explain the Bible to me! I can now listen and understand it fully on my own!”
Small Discussion Group Attendee

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“A changed world begins with us … and a changed us begins when we pray.” –Eugene Peterson
We often take it for granted, but prayer is powerful and always accessible. Deciding to stop and pray for ourselves or others immediately reminds us that there is more going on than what we see. It is the simplest and most powerful way for us to recognize that God is real and at work in the world.
Sign up for monthly updates and prayer requests from the Spoken team regarding specific programs, people and issues around the world. When you get them, remember that God is King and ask Him to bring about lasting change for His glory and our joy.


Are you interested in getting involved with Spoken Worldwide?
Sometimes we have events or tasks that require a few extra hands, and we would love your help. Another great way to get involved is to share our mission with others that may be interested in fulfilling the Great Commission. Some ways you can do that are by inviting Spoken to share our story with your church missions pastor, at your Bible study, at a dinner group, or by hosting an in-home event. We love sharing a bite to eat while sharing how we can reach the unreached together!
Please provide your contact information and some ways you are interested in getting involved below and we will be in touch! Thank you for your willingness to get involved in this critical work.

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