We deliver Truth through
spoken methods.

We desire to meet people where they are and utilize ​their​ methods of learning and sharing. The practice we use to reach Oral Learners is known as ​Orality​, the use of oral forms – like stories, songs, dramas, or direct Bible translation – to share information with Oral Learners. The Spoken team has more than 100 years of collective experience working in Orality, so we know this approach provides the best opportunity for Oral Learners to understand and engage with God’s Word, creating behavior change and lasting transformation.

Our proven approach to Orality is comprehensive:

Listen and

We resist the tendency to use teaching methods that come naturally from our culture. Our programs aim to prioritize the specific needs of each community.

Local Partners

We provide tools and resources for local churches, pastors and ministries to affect change. Through our programs, trusted leaders with hearts for Jesus are making disciples of all nations.

Culturally Appropriate

Provide Culturally Appropriate Content

Oral cultures share their history, identity and tradition through oral means. We honor these learning styles and identify Bible stories and content that encourage engagement within each community.​

We have intentionally created an organic strategy that works outside of the typical Western mission team approach that uses precious time because it requires learning a language, adopting a culture, and gaining trust.

Through Spoken, we:
Create behavioral change in an individual or single community through engagement.
Create a self-sustaining,

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“A changed world begins with us … and a changed us begins when we pray.” –Eugene Peterson
We often take it for granted, but prayer is powerful and always accessible. Deciding to stop and pray for ourselves or others immediately reminds us that there is more going on than what we see. It is the simplest and most powerful way for us to recognize that God is real and at work in the world.
Sign up for monthly updates and prayer requests from the Spoken team regarding specific programs, people and issues around the world. When you get them, remember that God is King and ask Him to bring about lasting change for His glory and our joy.


Are you interested in getting involved with Spoken Worldwide?
Sometimes we have events or tasks that require a few extra hands, and we would love your help. Another great way to get involved is to share our mission with others that may be interested in fulfilling the Great Commission. Some ways you can do that are by inviting Spoken to share our story with your church missions pastor, at your Bible study, at a dinner group, or by hosting an in-home event. We love sharing a bite to eat while sharing how we can reach the unreached together!
Please provide your contact information and some ways you are interested in getting involved below and we will be in touch! Thank you for your willingness to get involved in this critical work.

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