
There are many ways to be a part of what we are doing, but if you think that empowering people around the world for lasting change is something you are called to give yourself to, you should let us know. We’d love to talk to you about the opportunity to possibly join the Spoken team.

Thank you for your interest, but no job openings are available now.

Orality Coach

OVERVIEW: Utilizing expertise in oral culture ministry, the effective Orality Coach serves, trains and assists organizational partners in implementing effective oral discipleship programs. Responsibilities will include serving partners through expertise in Oral Culture strategy and methodology, providing ongoing assistance and coaching to partners, and documenting partnership information and progress.

Oral Bible Translation Consultant / Trainer (OBT-CT)

OVERVIEW: OBT Consultant-Trainers provide Oral Bible Translation expertise and project management support for new and ongoing Spoken OBT projects. CTs successfully oversee production of oral Scripture by delivering key principles in OBT to oral learners through immersive experiences and by training and equipping field-based Project/ Translation Managers and Mother-Tongue Translators.

West Africa Regional Director

OVERVIEW: The West Africa Regional Director works to develop plans, program staff and strategies to facilitate disciple making movements among oral learners, pastors, and church leaders through casting vision, equipping ministry workers, and developing/providing culturally effective resources and training.