

The Spoken Worldwide vision has always been to create long-term impact in the local communities where we minister. Without sustainability, our efforts would quickly fade with no continual forward progress in sharing the Word with non-believers. Our Pastor Development Program (PDP) is vital to this sustainability goal.


This 3-year program aims to shepherd and mentor local leaders in Orality to reach their surrounding communities. An active leader will be part of a leadership team with two purposes: to grow in their ability to ​be an effective disciple​ to Oral Learners and to recruit additional quality leaders in an ​effort to multiply disciples​.


New leaders are not paid to promote the Word, but do so because they believe in it. They invite others in their local community to hear the gospel stories and become disciples themselves. As each member becomes more involved, they advance to become a leader and learn more about sharing Biblical content and community development information with oral communities.
These disciples, no matter their current training cycle, are also encouraged to start Small Discussion Groups, gathering 5-10 people to listen to stories and discuss their meaning and application.
This unique element provides ​engagement with Scripture – which is critical to heart transformation. In communities that revolve around sharing stories with neighbors and loved ones, this is a critical piece to understanding Truth and creating lasting change.

Pastor Development Program: Cycle of Multiplication

One Person

Generation 1

1 Person

Generation 2

Spoken 1 Person

Generation 3

One Person Spoken

Generation 4

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In this graphic, what began with four indigenous leaders could organically grow to include hundreds of leaders.
Content developed in story, song, drama format – in conjunction with local leaders. Technology used when available / applicable.
Leaders trained. Disciples made. Lives transformed.

Pastor Development Program: Content Covered


Cycle 1

Books of Moses
and the Gospels


Cycle 2

The Prophets,
Acts and
Pauline Epistles


Cycle 3

History and Wisdom Literature, General Epistles and Revelation

MP3 players or MicroSD cards (for use with cell phones) loaded with audio content are often used as a tool in these groups as the Gospel is shared in story, song, drama format. Learn more about PDP’s use of technology here.

Holistic Care

Many oral communities live in poverty and/or oppression and have limited access to medical care. With direct access to these communities through our Pastor Development Program, we are often able to work with ILTs to help solve some of these basic needs through education. This Community Development Education, which may include topics such as clean water practices, disease prevention, and modern farming techniques, are shared using the same oral methods used with the Biblical content. As always, Spoken works with local leaders to determine which topics are necessary and helpful to cover with a community.
Jesus wanted people to know who God is and what it looks like to live a life with Him; He also cared about people’s basic physical needs.
Oral community working together

Impact Stories

"Stories are serving us more than preaching because everybody pays attention to the story. As a result, more people are coming to God. People are taking the initiative, gathering on their own, and sharing the stories while a wise person highlights the points. We need more stories."
Small Discussion Group Attendee
“God bless you for teaching us a new and simple strategy to reach our people in a better way with God’s Word.”
Ministry Partner
“One lady was so pleased to have the stories in her heart language and can now recite from Genesis 1-4. The pastor was very amazed about that and felt the stories can be used like a bible study, to listen and discuss. He loves that others in his church now know Bible passages by heart.”
Local Leader

The Pastor Development Program is how we MULTIPLY disciples.

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“A changed world begins with us … and a changed us begins when we pray.” –Eugene Peterson
We often take it for granted, but prayer is powerful and always accessible. Deciding to stop and pray for ourselves or others immediately reminds us that there is more going on than what we see. It is the simplest and most powerful way for us to recognize that God is real and at work in the world.
Sign up for monthly updates and prayer requests from the Spoken team regarding specific programs, people and issues around the world. When you get them, remember that God is King and ask Him to bring about lasting change for His glory and our joy.


Are you interested in getting involved with Spoken Worldwide?
Sometimes we have events or tasks that require a few extra hands, and we would love your help. Another great way to get involved is to share our mission with others that may be interested in fulfilling the Great Commission. Some ways you can do that are by inviting Spoken to share our story with your church missions pastor, at your Bible study, at a dinner group, or by hosting an in-home event. We love sharing a bite to eat while sharing how we can reach the unreached together!
Please provide your contact information and some ways you are interested in getting involved below and we will be in touch! Thank you for your willingness to get involved in this critical work.

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